Your Gorgeous, Whole, Worthy, Abundance, Regulated HER is waiting for YOU!

Revive YOUR Radiance

It’s time to dig deeper to shine brighter.

It's time for the Greatest LOVE Story of all time.

You falling back in LOVE with YOU.

This is how you change your thoughts, to change your life.

REVITALIZE YOUR RADIANCE is a 10-week LIVE Coaching program featuring the Neuro-Identity Evolution Methodology™ that will teach you how to use your mind as the magical tool that it is to support yourself in showing up as the unstoppable woman that you are.

How many thoughts do you think every single day?

Okay, fine, I’ll tell you:

60,000 thoughts.

And if you were to guess, what percentage of those thoughts are actually contributing to you being the highest version of yourself?
You know who I’m talking about.

The powerful, phenomenal, unstoppable woman that you really are.

The one who’s legit the director in her professional and personal life.

The one who knows the outside does not create the inside...and takes full responsibility for her inner environment.

The one who’s on a mission to make a massive impact on the world.

We need you -- especially at times like these -- to not only be the radiant woman, but to step up, build the habits and behaviors to consistently show up as the highest version of yourself, and raise the vibration of everyone you impact.

Because you can meditate in the morning and do your gratitude at night...but who are you being in the 15 hours in between?

If you’re always on the go, in hustle mode, never slowing down, and constantly trying to control everything around you...

...That attitude, those emotions, that energy, that action (or lack thereof) is what is actually creating your reality.

In order to really shift, change, grow, be visible, and make the impact that you dream about...

You have to become the observer of yourself and use your mind for its actual intended purpose: to make magic.

I know you’ve heard this all before...

You are not your mind.

Change your thoughts, change your life.

Mindset is everything.

It’s all true, but it doesn’t tell us how.

I’m about to change all of that.

Let’s start with this:

You get to choose your thoughts.

Thanks to this amazing little thing called neuroplasticity, it turns out that choosing new thoughts actually starts to rewire your brain.

What does that mean for you?

You get to support yourself in becoming HER, the woman in the vision.

The insanely powerful, deliciously magnificent human who falls back in love with herself and chooses to:

  • Become the observer of yourself so that you stop running on autopilot, giving your power away, and being victim to your habits
  • Free yourself from stress, frenetic energy, and fight-or-flight responses and live in a space from which you can respond instead of react
  • Break up with your inner mean girl, shed self-judgment, quit self-flagellating, and start treating yourself with love and compassion
  • Say goodbye to feeling resentful, easily triggered, and constantly judged, because nothing outside of you determines how you get to feel
  • Shift your relationship with fear so that you can show up, be more visible, and take action to create your future self, one choice at a time
  • Eradicate the great lie of unworthiness and finally believe that you are and you have always been enough
  • Stop striving, settling, censoring, hiding, and shrinking, and finally embody and operate from the highest version of yourself

This is how you become an unstoppable woman, both personally and professionally.

All you need is…


A 10-week program featuring the Neuro-Identity Evolution Methodology™ that will teach you the “how” behind all of the personal development that you can use the power of choice to create the highest level of freedom you’ve ever experienced.

Are you ready to step into the fullest expression of yourself?

Are you ready to Become the Person YOU were born to BE!

Sign up for REVITALIZE YOUR RADIANCE and you’ll get access to:

  • 10 LIVE 75-MINUTE CLASSES taught by CINDY KRUSE via Zoom where you’ll learn the Neuro-Identity Evolution Methodology™ for mastering your thoughts and emotions.
  • 10 OFFICE HOURS SESSIONS where you can ask questions and receive LIVE coaching from CINDY.
  • WORKBOOKS + GROWTH TOOLS that you can work through and implement to begin to see results right away, and continue to apply to support you throughout your journey.
  • VIDEO RECORDINGS FOR LIFE of all sessions and calls so that you can continue to refer to them when new issues arise or you simply want to revisit the work.
  • SYSTEM ALTERING, HYPNOTIC RECORDINGS & MEDITATIONS that will help reprogram your subconscious mind. (All while you sleep)

Through personalized coaching sessions, transformative exercises and empowering guidance, I'll help you break free from limiting beliefs, embrace your true potential, and create the life you've dreamed of. Are you ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Let's unlock your limitless potential together!​

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